Friday, April 3, 2009

Mass. House Approves Bill That Would Make Auto Insurance Appeals Board Permanent


BOSTON - The state House of Representatives on Thursday approved a bill that would make permanent a state board that rules on drivers' appeals of motor vehicle insurance surcharges.

The 155-0 vote in the House moved to enshrine the state Division of Insurance's Board of Appeal in state law and strip away the power of an insurance commissioner to unilaterally abolish the board.

The vote comes two weeks after Insurance Commissioner Nonnie S. Burnes dropped her disputed plan to scrap the board and agreed to keep it operating. Burnes had wanted to eliminate the board as part of a new system that allows auto insurers to set their own rates and allows drivers to shop around for the best rates.

Rep. Angelo J. Puppolo, D-Springfield, a cosponsor of the House bill, said it didn't make any sense to eradicate the board.

"The board allows consumers a fair appeal process," Puppolo said. "I'm glad we were able to make it permanent. It's a great win for the consumer."

The House approved the bill after a 90-minute debate.

The Senate last week voted 39-0 to approve the bill.

A spokeswoman for Gov. Deval L. Patrick said the governor supports the preservation of the appeal board, but needs to review the details of the bill before deciding whether he will sign it.

Sen. Stephen J. Buoniconti, sponsor of the bill in the Senate, said he expects lawmakers to send a final bill to the governor's desk in about a week. The West Springfield Democrat said the bill is universally supported and is a high priority.

Buoniconti said he received 50 phone calls from insurance agents and consumers when Burnes planned to abolish the board.

Supporters said the appeal board gives consumers a fair hearing if they are assessed a surcharge. A driver can receive a surcharge if the insurer rules the driver is more than 50 percent at fault in a collision.

Surcharges can costs hundreds of dollars and can remain on an insurance bill for up to six years.

People can pay $50 to lodge an appeal with the board and an appeal often pays off. Last year, the board heard 43,264 appeals around the state and approved 52 percent of the appeals, according to the state Division of Insurance.

About 10 percent of the hearings, or 4,500, were held for Western Massachusetts residents at the Registry of Motor Vehicles on Liberty Street in Springfield.

Burnes had planned to have motorists appeal surcharges directly to their insurer. But critics said insurers were unlikely to grant many appeals of their own decisions considering the money at stake.

In a statement on Thursday, Burnes said, "We heard the concerns voiced by the public and responding to those concerns, we decided to maintain the board of appeal and its accident resolution review process."

Burnes had moved to dismantle the board because she said it didn't fit with managed competition for auto insurance. Under the year-old competitive system, the state no longer fixes rates and insurers have more freedom to offer different policies and compete for customers.

Burnes also met with resistance because elimination of the board would have actually cost the state money. According to Burnes, the state receives about $2 million a year in fee revenues and it costs about $1.7 million a year to operate the board.

"These hearings not only pay for themselves but generate revenue for the commonwealth," said Rep. Walter F. Timilty, D-Milton. "That's a plus in this climate."

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